Understanding Eating Disorders: What do you know about eating disorders? Experts have indicated that eating disorders in teens have exploded since the pandemic. Myths and misconceptions abound about these complex medical and psychiatric illnesses. Not always originating from body dysmorphia, they are linked with high achievement and are a form of coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, and a loss of control over one’s life. All genders, racial and socio-economic backgrounds are impacted. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness but recovery chances increase with early detection.

Betsy Malm from the Eating Recovery Center in Bellevue will help you understand causes, how to recognize signs and symptoms, and how parents and counselors can support students who may be struggling. Q&A will include students who can answer questions about their personal experience. This event is brought to us by the Issaquah High Healthy Student Program and PTSA. Register here.